
Who We Are

PTC/USER is the independent voice for users of software produced by PTC. As the sole entity recognized by PTC as the official worldwide representative of its customers, it is uniquely positioned to support customers through a dedicated user network; educate customers through an online file library, online discussion forums in partnership with PTC Community and contributions to PTC events; and advocate on the behalf of customers through an annual meeting with PTC and Technical Communities and Working Groups. 


PTC/USER has a three-fold mission:

  • Support customers of PTC through our extensive network of dedicated users. These communities get together through Regional User Groups (RUGs), meet at LiveWorx and our Winter Open Forum, and exchange open communication on the PTC Community worldwide forums.
  • Educate through our file library, webcasts, web panels and our participation in PTC LiveWorx events Partnering with PTC to vet the content for these events.
  • Advocate through meetings with PTC executives and through our Working Groups and Technical Community Events.