
Who Can Join PTC/USER?

Anyone who owns, or works for a company that owns, at least one seat of a PTC product may join. This includes University and Educational students and Members of other educational programs sponsored by PTC. A special welcome to our FIRST Robotics students! There is no cost for membership.

Join PTC/USER Today

Member Benefits


LiveWorx is PTC and PTC/USER's premier annual conference. It's a special opportunity to network with your colleagues in the industry as well as the top engineers and executives from PTC. This conference includes best-practice seminars, technical training, product update briefings, user & partner presentations and tradeshow.

Regional User Groups

There are approximately 50+ regional user groups worldwide associated with PTC/USER. These independent organizations create the opportunity for Creo (formerly Pro/ENGINEER,) Windchill, Arbortext, Integrity, Servigistics, ThingWorx, nd other users in a city or region to meet with each other and exchange information. Many groups conduct meetings with formats similar to the LiveWorx Conference (presentations, breakouts, exhibit hall, etc.) but on a smaller scale.

Technical Committees

We also sponsor Technical Committees (TCs). The communities are composed of volunteers from the membership, who work closely with PTC's Solution Managers to direct future software development. This has been a very successful program, with approximately 80% of member suggestions appearing as product enhancements. Committees meet several times each year, including at least one face to face meeting to facilitate interaction with PTC's development staff.

Online Discussion Forums

In addition to meetings and conferences, PTC/USER partners with PTC to operate an extensive network of discussion forums on the Internet. These forums utilize web forums to allow members and non-members alike to share news and technical information. Check it out here!